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Mold is the dangerous secondary issue that often comes after water damage. Mold develops where there is excess water and moisture over a period of time. Mold can cause significant health problems especially for the young, elderly and people with a weakened immune system. Mold can grow on any organic food source such as wood, ceiling tiles, wallpaper, paints, carpet, drywall, and insulation. Mold can affect the health of your family and even the structure itself. The way to control mold growth is to control moisture. The most effective way to protect your family and property from the threat of mold is to have it remediated immediately by a professional restoration company. Yes Dear teams up with environmental hygienists and laboratories, and work quickly & efficiently to diagnose the damage and to protect your family or business from potential dangerous mold situations.
    Yes Dear Handyman offers the following mold removal & remediation services:

  • Evaluate/scope the nature and extent of your mold damage.
  • Explain the mold remediation process.
  • Set up containment so that there is no further mold contamination.
  • Remove and clean contaminated building materials/contents and dispose of materials/contents that are not salvageable.
  • Restore the air quality back to normal.
  • Control moisture and monitor contaminants to keep unaffected areas from being contaminated.
  • Application of disinfectants and antimicrobials will be used when necessary, to help prevent future mold growth. In most cases they are not necessary because if all damaged materials are removed or cleaned properly, there will be no mold contamination left.

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